Meyner and Landis LLP Immigration Law Group
  • 18Jul
    I-9 Compliance Comments Off on Alert: Revised Form I-9 released by USCIS

    USCIS LogoOn July 17 the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services released a revised Form I-9 for Employment Eligibility Verification.  Employers are permitted to use this revised version or continue using Form I-9 with a revision date of 11/14/16 N through Sept. 17. On Sept. 18, employers must use the revised form with a revision date of 07/17/17 N.  Employers must continue following existing storage and retention rules for any previously completed Form I-9. Revisions include a minor change to the Instructions and a minor change to the list of Acceptable Documents in List C.  For additional information about the revisions to Form I-9, please visit the USCIS web site or contact us.

  • 11Jul
    Uncategorized Comments Off on FAQs About Reinstated Travel Ban Issued by DHS

    Do you have travel plans to the United States from abroad? The Department of Homeland Security recently published a list of 36 fairly helpful travel-related Frequently Asked Questions and answers (FAQs) in the wake of the June 26th decision of the United States Supreme Court to reinstate a portion of the Trump administration’s travel ban.  We reported the details on that decision in a June 28 post. For a full copy of the DHS FAQs, please click here. Anyone who might be affected by the travel ban will find this a good place to start when seeking information about the implementation of the travel ban. Please contact Tony Siliato or Scott Malyk if you have additional questions.

  • 07Jul
    Uncategorized Comments Off on Immigration in the Spotlight: NJSBA Interviews Immigration Law Section Chair Scott R. Malyk

    What are the priorities of the Immigration Law Section this year?

    smalyk_3071193_1It is quite an interesting time to be an immigration practitioner, as the issue is in the spotlight now more than ever, with discussions about Muslim bans, border walls, extreme vetting of visa applicants abroad, and heightened enforcement within our borders. We are even witnessing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and arrests in and around our courthouses in New Jersey. Since immigration law issues often affect-and have a tendency to complicate-other legal issues and business concerns for our clients, we have made it our aim this year to collaborate with practitioners in a variety of other areas of the law in an effort to educate each other on the cross-over between practice areas. We are planning a series of collaborative continuing legal education programs that will include jointly sponsored presentations with the association’s criminal, family, municipal and labor and employment law sections. (Read full interview here)